Class of 2029
January 16, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians of the Viking Class of 2029:
It was a pleasure meeting your children today when they visited Clarkstown High School South. The students experienced a presentation about the high
school with a focus on a typical ninth grade schedule and the fine arts electives offered to students. Tonight, you are invited to join me and my assistant principals in Clarkstown South’s auditorium for a review and introduction to Clarkstown South. The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. in the auditorium and conclude with a tour and a question and answer session. After the meeting this evening, we ask that you take time to review the online Course Guide with your child and consider which fine arts elective(s) your child would like to take next year. Once you have decided, please complete THIS FORM for your child no later than January 24th so that we can begin the scheduling process. We look forward to establishing a positive relationship with our future Viking families.
Mrs. Debra Tarantino
Principal of Clarkstown High School South